英 [ɪm'belɪʃ; em-]美
- vt. 修饰;装饰;润色
- vi. 装饰起来;加以润色
第三人称单数: embellishes;过去式: embellished;过去分词: embellished;现在分词: embellishing;名词: embellishment;
1. To embellish something is literally to 'make it beautiful'.
2. beau, beauty, belle => embellish.
3. bellus "beautiful, pretty" <===> bon- "good", bene- "well".
4. 谐音“姨母白丽兮”。
2. beau, beauty, belle => embellish.
3. bellus "beautiful, pretty" <===> bon- "good", bene- "well".
4. 谐音“姨母白丽兮”。
embellish 装饰
em-, 进入,使。-bell,美丽,词源同 belle, beauty.
- embellish
- embellish: [14] To embellish something is literally to ‘make it beautiful’. It comes from Old French embellir, a compound verb formed from the prefix en-, which denotes ‘causing’ or ‘making’, and bel ‘beautiful’. This Old French adjective (source of modern French beau) came from Latin bellus ‘beautiful’, and its other English offspring include beau, belle, and beauty.
=> beau, beauty, belle - embellish (v.)
- mid-14c., "to render beautiful," from Old French embelliss-, stem of embellir "make beautiful, ornament," from assimilated form of en- (see en- (1)) + bel "beautiful," from Latin bellus "handsome, pretty, fine" (see bene-). Meaning "dress up (a narration) with fictitious matter" is from mid-15c. Related: Embellished; embellishing.
- 1. Embellish basic covers and curtains with borders, ties and fringing.
- 用镶边、系带和流苏装饰朴素的床罩和窗帘。
- 2. Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means.
- 你只要讲清事实,千万不要添枝加叶.
- 3. I asked him not to embellish the truth with ideas of his own.
- 我要他不对事实添油加醋.
- 4. Ivy leaves embellish the front of the dresser.
- 梳妆台正面饰有常春藤叶子。
- 5. Various windows embellish the corridor, with the shape of square, circle, hexagon and octagon.
- 走廊的窗户形状各异,有方形,有圆形,有六角形,也有八角形。